Thursday, August 25, 2011

Handling Phase 4

Lately I feel as if final portfolio time is just flying by and in the mean tiem I am losing time to do other stuff... yeah, like writing in my blog.

I was review a couple of weeks ago on my Alternative personal submissions and I got applauded for these two images.

The first one was shot in the Windthorp Estate, down in Lenox, MA. It was an amazing location and out of that day these image just blew me away. We drove for 2 hours to get here, the models traveled with us and the shoot just started to pan out perfectly. When looking in all t he rooms that the Estate had (that were about 20) I found this back room, full with windows, by the time we started shooting there, the light was perfect. Kat, who has been in a lot of shoots with me at this point (we have done together around 10 shoots all together), was as always amazing. This is my favorite shot of her.

The second one is my self-portrait. It was so much fun to make. I had such a hard time figuring out what I wanted for my self-portrait. I was fed up with shoots and I just had gone blank. Good thing I have my IdeaBook. I got some of the images I wanted to do before with a friend of mine, Jaclyn. This image at first was hard to understand how to do everything in camera. Believe it or not IT IS ALL in camera, no photoshop needed for either lighting or shadows.

With help of my teachers I could understand how to do my lighting. I did it in the big classroom, I was on the opposite side and my light was 30 to 40ft away, up high in the ceiling. I could only expand the stand so much that I had to mount the light stand on a table, for it to reach the right angle and height.

The shot was made with a bare bulb strobe, at full power 30-40ft  away from me to a 45 degree angle to the right.
I was in a cage of black cards.
Shot with a Mamiya with a Aptus 22 back.
Exposure: 1/60 sec @ f/4.0

These weeks have been all about shooting and none blogging. Hopefully I have more images to show in the next few days!

Happy shooting,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I know, I know... I meant to write before but I'm still getting a hold of this blog situation.

These weeks have been a bit of everything, but at the end it's all about Photography, which I LOVE. Here is an image I will include in my Alternative Personal Submissions Portfolio.

The idea started as a paint splash (photo will be posted later.. perhaps). After making a bit of a mess in the Institutes parking lot and having to hose down my friend, I decided to create an image that still involved paint but it was on a more controlled environment.

The image was shot using Home Depot Lights.
Canon 5D MarkII
1/350 sec @ f/2.8, ISO 400

I really have to thank Emma Lozano for being such a good sport and posing for me, but specially for letting me pour paint on her, TWICE.

Keep up the good vibe people! And stay tuned! I promise to post more images.

Loving Photography,

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The one and only me.

I have been meaning to write for long time now. And it's now when I finally decide to do so. I write in english because I wish to speak a language that is understood globally, which in fact its my goal. I wish to reach out through my images to people all around the world. How I will do that? Well that's still a work in progress.

I am currently a student at the Hallmark Institute of Photography, located in the beautiful town of Turners Falls, MA. Why there, you may ask. Well to me it seems to be the only place in the world where time can fly by without me having a sense of it.

You see, photography for me is more that a hobby. It is my passion. I have witnessed a couple of times, that whenever I fill anxious, desperate, sad, frustrated, or even feel lost in the universe, I can grab a camera look through the lens and forget about everything.

Over the last 7 months I having been taught by the most prepared and amazing human beings on how to become a professional photographer. From studio portraits, commercial, food, glass, metal, location, families, children, fashion, editorial, aerial, brochure design, catalog design, etc, Hallmark is giving me all that I could ever imagine in order for me to become the best that I can be as a photographer.

These past months I have been working on my Phase 3 Mandatory Portfolio. I would like to thank every single person that helped me out so that I could create these images. My teachers, family, my amazing boyfriend, friends, aunts, designers, make-up artist, models, you have been inspirational and remarkable.

I leave you with the images turned in. On these images I worked so hard to create a foundation of my future photography: have my essence in each image I present. It has been an interesting process (which late I will write to you about it).

For these images, I will be reviewed in front of a teacher panel this thursday.

For now, I've shared my word. Wish me luck.

Hope to hear your comments about this Portfolio!